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Looking for an Engineer/s? Look no further than Hill Maritime Group.

For all recruitment enquiries contact or call/text +61 484 076 243 (WhatsApp), or select the 'find an engineer' button below, fill out the form and we will be in contact.


The more information on the program you can provide us with, the more successful we will be in finding the most suitable Engineer for you. Appropriate licensing is just one of the factors that each vessel requires from an Engineer. Personality, experience, prior education, work history and hobbies are all taken into consideration dependent on what you are looking for. We’ve worked within Maritime for many years and know that time is of great value. We will personally interview each candidate and only ever put forward the very best that we feel will suit your vessel. As Engineers, we are uniquely placed to ask the right questions and ensure you’re getting a properly experienced and knowledgeable Engineer on board.


All information provided is kept on Hill Maritime's secure servers that are only accessible to HMG recruitment. All enquiries are treated with discretion and the utmost confidentiality.

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